How Does Yoga Help Anxiety?

By Melody Smith, BA

A top down view of a woman stretching on a yoga mat next to her dog and laptop. This could represent the benefits of yoga that an anxiety therapist near metuchen, New Jersey can help you realize. Search for therapy for anxiety in Metuchen, NJ or contact an in-person therapist near Metuchen, NJ for help in coping with anxiety.

Anxiety is a natural response to stressful situations, but chronic anxiety can disrupt the quality of your day-to-day life. The problem may be intensified by worrying about what to do about the anxiety rather than the anxiety itself.

Fortunately, there is a way to cope with anxiety that can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments of therapy and medication or as a standalone technique—yoga.

Yoga encompasses many elements used in current treatments such as relaxation techniques, mindfulness, cognitive reframing, behavioral suggestions, concentration, and stress reduction. Individuals discover how to relax from physical tension as they move through each posture, or asana.

Two people hold their hands above their heads in a yoga pose while watching the setting sun. Learn how an in person therapist near metuchen, nj can help you achieve peace of mind with online therapy for anxiety in New Jersey. Search for therapy for anxiety in New Jersey and search for online therapy for anxiety in New Jersey to learn more.

A yoga practice also includes breathing techniques to lower stress in the physical body and sends a message to the brain to promote a state of calmness. Basic movements and relaxation techniques support short-term anxiety reduction, allowing you to fully engage with other healing practices. This safe and inexpensive modality can also be used as a long-term outlet for managing anxiety.

Simply increasing this awareness can decrease the frequency and severity of your anxious symptoms. For example, when your stress response is triggered, you may notice short, shallow breathing. This can heighten overall feelings of anxiety due to lowered oxygen levels in the blood. The practice of yoga can replace this reaction to stress by teaching you to take deep, slow breaths.

A woman holds a peace sign above her head while walking across a field with a yoga mat. This could symbolize the beneifts of yoga that an anxiety therapist near Metuchen, New Jersey can help you realize. Learn more about the help therapy for anxiety in New Jersey can offer. Search for an in person therapist near metuchen, nj today.

With practice, yoga enhances mind-body awareness and offers forms of relaxation that can be used as a healthy outlet. Techniques learned on the mat give individuals tools to use off the mat that can significantly support anxiety management. By combining yoga and therapeutic practices, you can obtain support for effective anxiety management and acquire the peace and serenity needed to move forward.

Start Working With an Anxiety Therapist Near Metuchen, New Jersey

Yoga can be a great way to help manage anxiety and stress. But, finding further support can help you find the root of your issues and cultivate positive change. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support with anxiety management from our Metuchen, NJ-based practice. Start your therapy journey with Mindful Connections Counseling by following these steps:

Other Services Offered with Mindful Connections Counseling

Anxiety therapy isn’t the only service offered with Mindful Connections counseling. Our team is happy to offer support with a variety of mental health concerns in person and online . Other services offered include trauma therapygrief counseling, disordered eatingmind body wellness, and cannabis-informed therapy. We are happy to offer support for both individuals and couples alike. We also offer support via child therapyteen therapyfamily therapy, and parent coaching. Feel free to visit our blog or FAQ for more helpful information

Other Resources

There are many online resources including videos and websites to help you get started at home. Here is one of my favorites–Gentle Yoga Flow:

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